It’s not that gurus don’t have something of value to offer. It’s not that gurus aren’t great sources of insight and resources.
The real truth is that the guru you need most is already INSIDE YOU. And this can be uncomfortable, like grit in an oyster. On the other hand, it’s exactly how you, too, can create your own iridescent, shimmering pearl. The discomfort, the tightness, and the irritation are all the inspiration for you to create the treasure of your own life.

It’s very natural to imagine that ‘the solution,’ ‘the fix,’ ‘the secret sauce’ is somewhere ‘out there’ and it’s also very appealing. Surely there’s someone who knows how to make these uncomfortable feelings stop.
Nothing in your early conditioning (read social/mental/emotional training) said otherwise. In fact, the most typical story handed down by nearly every parent, religious, and educational authority depended on you believing and not questioning this.
They weren’t necessarily trying to harm you or brainwash you. Every single one of them had a reason to want or need you to buy the story that you weren’t
the expert of your own life.
Some of those were good reasons, others not so much. I think you can pretty much tell the difference by now. If you do have trouble telling them apart, that’s a really good sign that the conditioning is still driving your thoughts and actions and it’s time to consider a new perspective.
You’re Not Listening
Here’s another jarring truth: even when you find a guru you like, you’re not actually listening to them.
The only reason any of what they say rings true is precisely because you already know it inside of you. It just helps to hear it in a different voice, with a different face, at a particular time.
Imagine a caterpillar. It doesn’t even know what a butterfly is, yet it contains within itself everything it needs to become one. You are just like that.
As a coach, I know who the real guru of your life is and I use proven tools and resources so that you can see it too. I equip and support you in bringing your most successful and satisfying story to life. I see the pearl and the butterfly just waiting for you to shift your perspective.
I won’t be your guru. Instead, I will make it safe for you to be your own.