About Me
I’ve been exploring and facilitating personal transformation for over 30 years. Along the way, I discovered a variety of useful maps…
Archetypal Folklore… Energy Leadership… Core Values Mastery… Neuro Linguistic Programming… and Human Design.
I weave these diverse resources into my work in facilitating enlivenment and the return to wholeness for my clients so they can experience the fulfillment, meaning, and happiness they’re meant to.
My Qualifications
Certified Professional Coach, Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC)
Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC)
Certified Brain Health Coach, Amen University
Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioner
Human Design Guide
What I Offer
My coaching work is rooted in these areas of expertise:
Human Design Integration & Actualization
A brief description of each resource along with a link to more info is listed below. Whatever catches your attention, even for a moment, likely holds some wisdom for you.
Human Design Integration & Actualization
Integrate your Human Design into your work, family, relationships, and physical well-being so you can live in harmony with your design.
Being directly supported with consistency over time in experimenting with your design by a Certified Professional Coach and Human Design Guide gives you a framework within which to process your awareness and more effectively integrate your Type, Strategy, Authority, and Profile.
You’ll discover how to make decisions in alignment with your Human Design so you can create a life that enlivens and enriches you. <<Read more…>>
Core Values Mastery
Your Core Values are innate and unique to you. They’ve always been there and like deep underwater currents, they’ve always influenced the direction and conditions of your life.
Without mastery of these powerful forces, life can take you by surprise and not always in a way that feels good. When you have mastery, you move in directions that effortlessly create meaning, fulfillment, and success.
Core Values Mastery centers you in the strongest, most secure part of who you are. And, as you enliven your Core Values, in turn, you’re enlivened by them. <<Read more…>>
Energy Leadership
As a visionary leader, you’re dedicated to making a difference in the world. Deeper awareness and greater clarity are your most valuable resources.
It’s your unique Energy Leadership™ pattern that enables you to make that difference. It also reveals whatever’s getting in your way, which may cause you to feel like you’re sometimes losing yourself in the process.
A leader who is fluent in their energetic perceptions and responses…
- Deepens self-awareness of themselves and others
- Experiences greater success with partners, teams, & clients
- Has fewer conflicts or difficult people
- Enjoys clarity of purpose
- Possesses deep confidence
- Lives in greater health and well-being
- Celebrates what’s working and knows why
If you’re curious and want to discover more, reach out directly by email: Zette @ ZetteHarbourCoach.com