The word Energy has different connotations depending on the environment in which it’s being used.
- Individually, we need energy to fuel our bodies to meet the demands of our day.
- Communities need energy to keep the lights on and to allow work to get done.
- Leaders need energy to inspire and create a system for their teams so they can deliver the mission they’re here for.
This is where Energy Leadership™ comes in.
It’s an approach to mapping, understanding, and mastering the landscape of relationships and communication.
I would imagine that you, too, have observed that regardless of title or role on a team, everyone is a leader, influencing themselves as well as those around them.
Sometimes leadership traits appear naturally, and at other times, they don’t.
Energy Leadership™ gives everyone on the team reliable access to these strengths, making it possible to produce more successful results with greater consistency and conscious clarity.
Benefits Of Energy Leadership™ Awareness
In my work as a Certified Professional Coach and Energy Leadership™ Index – Master Practitioner, I’ve observed that a key area where mastery is most needed is in engaging with difficult people and situations.
These are the moments that can make or break the success of an individual and a team.
And, there isn’t always time to push the pause button and wait until the difficult moment passes.
You also might not have the option to push the reset button if a challenging situation or relationship goes awry.
Being proactive is the key to achieving your best results.
Energy Leadership™ works from the core of each team member’s thoughts, feelings, and actions.
As a result of this awareness and proficiency, you can expect
- Increased success in team and client communications
- Improved decision-making
- Enhanced productivity
- Boost overall team effectiveness
The principles and practices of Energy Leadership™ are easily demonstrated and immediately applicable to real-life situations while being grounded in thoughtful and respectful inquiry.
Additionally, Energy Leadership™ provides a unique view into the mind and motivations of your clients and customers.
Particularly in the context of a difficult situation, this understanding increases the likelihood of a satisfying outcome for all.
Your Energy Leadership™
A conscious leader is someone who makes choices from knowledge, intuition, passion, and power.
Bruce D. Schneider
Consciousness comes from fluency.
A leader who is fluent in their energetic perceptions and responses has the most success in influencing themselves and others.
This creates the conditions for optimal and lasting fulfillment.
Benefits of being conscious of your Energy Leadership™:
- Deepened awareness of self and others
- Greater success with partners, teams, & clients
- Fewer conflicts or difficult people
- Enjoy clarity of purpose
- Possess deep confidence, especially in stressful situations
- Live in greater health and well-being
- Celebrate what’s working and know why
Begin with your Energy Leadership Index Assessment (ELI). Unlike assessments that tell you what type you are, the Energy Leadership Index Assessment (ELI) reveals how you are perceiving and responding to others.
The awareness this assessment delivers empowers you to shift from one energy level to another as it benefits each situation.
As a result, you’re no longer boxed in, limited to a narrow set of responses and reactions.
Rather, you have access and fluency in a full spectrum of creativity, intuition, and agency.
The ELI creates a map of where you currently are in relation to each level.
It reveals what’s in your way, what’s already supporting you successfully, and how to access that consciously and reliably, basically, at will.
Your Team’s Energy Leadership™
Begin At The Beginning
Start with an *Introduction of Energy Leadership™ and its overarching effects with a virtual, interactive presentation, Leadership, Energy, & Successful Teams,.
Then, provide an Energy Leadership Index Assessment with a private, custom 90-minute debrief that identifies where their strengths are, what’s getting in their way, and how to address any barriers to each team member.
I. The Introduction
This one-hour interactive presentation on the 7 levels of leadership energy creates a foundational understanding of the influence and impact of Energy Leadership™ awareness and contributes to the effectiveness and success of a team.
What’s Covered
- Introduction of the Energy Leadership™ concept
- Structure of the Energy Leadership™ levels
- Anabolic and catabolic energy levels
- Learn to identify the energy level in specific contexts
- Strategize for creating the most anabolic response in a given situation
II. The Assessment
Unlike assessments that tell you what type you are, the Energy Leadership Index Assessment (ELI) reveals how you are.
This empowers you to shift from one energy level to another as it benefits each situation.
As a result, you’re no longer boxed in, limited to a narrow set of responses and reactions.
Rather, you have access and fluency in a full spectrum of creativity, intuition, and agency.
This assessment creates a map of where you currently are in relation to each level.
It reveals what’s in your way, what’s already supporting you successfully, and how to access that consciously and reliably, basically, at will.
This leadership technology can be delivered in various forms, such as
- Individual assessment and implementation plans
- Team assessments and implementation plans
- Team training
- Core leadership support
This flexibility allows customized applications and targeted results that meet budget requirements.
This research-backed system, utilized by companies such as Boeing, IKEA, and the United States Coast Guard, as well as tens of thousands of individuals, allows “everyday leaders” from all walks of life to harness and measure energy to achieve success in the workplace, the home, and in the world at large.
Energy Leadership™ material adapted from the work of Bruce D. Schneider, Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching